Hello, my name is Fiona, welcome to my blog!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Something Missing

Day Fifteen: Something you miss

Right now, I miss being back at University. Not so much the work, I mean, right now my Facebook is inundated with statuses about the exams and final year projects. I don’t miss all that stress, in fact seeing those things make me quite glad that I decided not to do a Post-Grad course. Maybe one day I’ll go back and do one, but right now all that I need is a break from that type of stress. Admittedly, I’m more stress-free at the moment than I thought I would ever be, what with being unemployed at the moment. But I suppose that I should make the most of it while I do look for a job.

The thing that I miss most about my time at University is the people. I miss talking with them about lectures, or saying ‘Hi’ in the lab. I miss living away from home, in my little Wavertree house, where I got up to all sorts of shenanigans (Good word shenanigans XD). There aren’t many shenanigans now that I’m back at home, unless you count hiding random pictures around my brothers bedroom as an April fools.

I’m a bit naff when it comes to keeping in touch with people. I never really know what to say when the conversation starts to dry up, and there are people that I’m friends with from University, but not the sort of friends that I would be comfortable talking to not face to face. I suppose that that goes with the whole phone phobia thing. If I’m talking to someone, I prefer to be face to face unless I consider you to be a really close friend. (So, if I haven’t spoke to you in ages, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I’m at a loss what to say. Like I said in the first post, socially awkward penguin.)

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